Valerio Clemenzi

Ciao! I’m Valerio Clemenzi

Hello, I’m Valerio, a 14-year-old Italian boy passionate about programming. I mainly work on full-stack applications, using TypeScript for the front-end with various frameworks and Go for the back-end.

I know a variety of technologies and I’m constantly learning new ones. For web pages, I typically use Next.js or SvelteKit. If I’m building more static sites, I turn to Astro. I often rely on TypeScript for its robust type system. When it comes to styling, I prefer Tailwind CSS, as it simplifies the process of creating appealing designs. I’m particularly excited about Bun for its ability to optimize JavaScript code startup times. Beyond the front-end, I enjoy exploring the back-end with Go, sometimes integrating BaaS solutions like Supabase and Pocketbase. I also dabble in low-level languages like Rust to develop desktop apps or CLIs.

For my editor, I use Neovim, which significantly speeds up my development workflow. With my customized setup, I’ve added numerous functionalities to Vim, further enhancing my productivity.

In terms of my operating system, I use Arch Linux for its flexibility and control. My setup includes i3 as my window manager, Rofi as the menu, and Polybar as the status bar. Additionally, I use Alacritty as my terminal emulator. You can find my entire setup on Github.

I’m also passionate about privacy! I enjoy exploring ways to enhance security on the web. I use alternative front-ends like Whoogle for search engines and Invidious for watching YouTube videos. All the instances I use are self-hosted at home on my Zimaboard, one of my tech acquisitions. If I ever start a blog, I’ll probably host it there!

I have several projects that I love, some smaller and some bigger, right now my main focus are:

…and many more, on GitHub!